Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hammered, Nailed and Screwed

What?  That's what we did this weekend -- removed nails and screws from a pile of 2 x 4s.  What were you thinking?

This will be a short post, I promise because the wind hasn't let up.  Hunnyman came home on Saturday and said "What are Gale Force winds?".  I didn't know.  I guessed it's any wind over 50 MPH.  He wondered if it's some guy in the weather service that got to name a wind.  This, I do know:  Gale Force wind(s) will lift the lid off a plastic trash bucket that was securely snapped in place;  it (they?) will blow heavy steel sawhorses over.  I know it will knock down any yard implement neatly stacked at the side of your house.  And it will make a tin roof that was previously flat look like someone just used a giant curling iron on it.  I know Gale Force winds suck.  GF winds.  I'd use different words for those initials -- first word is Giant......

We went out to the farm on Sunday after a nice breakfast at Mom's with Dale and Janet (Bro and Superhero).  We intended to build the little room that will go around the new water heater, which is outside the house (or will be).

Roger came upon a pile of 2 x 4s of varying lengths that someone had thrown at the side of the road a few months back.  In our never ending effort to be green (and make progress sans cash), he hauled them home.  We're going to use them to build the water heater house.  Before we used them, however, we had to remove 17  4" nails and 527 drywall screws - some which were really bent and had to be hammered straight first.  Hence the title of this post.

It wasn't really blowing much when we started but after about an hour, Gale Force showed up and it got pretty miserable.  So we finished the pile and decided it was a good time to break for lunch.  We left the water on the trees and went to have some lunch.  Hman was going come back after lunch and get on the ladder to fix the tin roof on two of the buildings but I vetoed that.  It was all he could do to get out and get the water turned off -- seriously.  He had to wear a dust mask just to make it to the two faucets.

Like I said - a short post, and I forgot my camera on Sunday.  But I took one this evening when we went out to walk and Hunnyman doctored it just a little so you could see us in action in GALE force winds on Sunday.   My man - full of many things.  I'm just glad one of them is talent.

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